Anastassia Drofa | Jason Cornwell | Madhu Prabaker
1. When was the last time you decided to make something you hadn't made
before? Tell me about that.
2. What prompted you to make the decision?
3. Was there an occasion? What? Why?
4. Who were you cooking for? Why?
a. How did their preferences come into play in your decision?
5. Where did you get the recipe? Why?
6. Did you consider any other sources? Why/why not?
7. What did you choose?
a. Why did you choose that in particular?
b. Did you consider anything else?
c. How did you know you could handle it? Were you confident?
8. Walk me through the process step by step? (Ask why/when/how throughout)
1. What was the most difficult irritating part this process? How did you overcome
2. What did you enjoy most about the experience?
3. What did you do with the recipe? Why?
1. Why do you like cooking? What about it do you enjoy?
2. Would you consider cooking a hobby?
3. How does your personality come through in either the act of cooking, or in
your choice of recipes?
Offline Recipe Transfer
1. Have you ever called a relative for a recipe, or used somebody else’s recipe?
2. Walk me though that step by step?
3. How did you explain to them what you wanted?
4. How was the information conveyed?
5. What kind of advice did you get from them?
6. Do you feel like you learned anything from the experience?
7. What did you do with the information?